We make mobile game for worldwide market
We strictly focus on mobile solution.
We design and develop mobile game for worldwide market.
We can develop the financial application for Bank or Stock
We have a solid team with qualified members
Tony Ta - CEO and Founder
Vien Ninh - Game Developer Leader
Duc Tran - Game Designer Leader
Our's game will be published by ourself or by publisher
Publisher: TDCGames
Google Play
Apple Store
Publisher: TDCGames
Google Play
Apple Store
Publisher: TDCGames
Google Play
Apple Store
We thanks for all our awesome Partners: OneSoft, SacomBank SBS, VietinbankSC, VNSteel
Email: [email protected]
Address: TDCGames Studio, 107 Nguyen Phong Sac Street, Cau Giay District, Hanoi, Vietnam